Yaryan Eye Care Center - Brookville

(765) 377-1241

Yaryan Eye Care Center - Connersville

(765) 377-1241

Yaryan Eye Care Center - Rushville

(765) 377-1241


Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration is a disease that destroys sharp central vision. It occurs when there are changes to the macula, a small portion of the retina that is located in the inside back layer of the eye. This disease is the leading cause of vision loss in Americans 60 years of age and older. Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) occurs in two forms: dry and wet.

Dry Macular Degeneration

Dry Macular Degeneration is the most common form of AMD. Dry AMD occurs when the tissue becomes thin and stops working properly. There is no treatment for this type of AMD. Any vision loss that occurs from Dry AMD cannot be restored.

Wet Macular Degeneration

Wet Macular Degeneration is less common than Dry Macular Degeneration. Wet AMD occurs when fluids leak from newly formed blood vessels under the macula. This leakage blurs central vision and the resulting vision loss can be rapid and severe. Wet AMD may respond to laser procedures and medication injections if diagnosed and treated early.

Symptoms of AMD

Symptoms of AMD include:

  • Gradual loss of ability to see objects clearly.
  • Shapes of objects are distorted.
  • Straight lines look wavy or crooked.
  • Loss of clear color vision.
  • Dark or empty area in the center of vision.

If you are experiencing or begin to experience any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. The best way to protect yourself from vision loss is to attend your scheduled yearly comprehensive eye exam.


People with Diabetes are at a higher risk of blindness than those without. Regular check-ups can help detect vision issues and treatment can prevent minor issues from becoming major issues. It is important for Diabetic patients to have a regular Diabetic eye exam. Patients should have a dilated eye exam every year even if their vision seems fine. Damage to the eye can occur without affecting vision and a dilated eye exam enlarges the pupils so the doctor can see the back of your eye and find any problems early. It is very important for diabetic patients to return yearly for a comprehensive eye exam.

Cataracts and Cataract Surgery

Cataracts occur with the clouding of the natural lens in the eye. Most cataracts develop slowly over time and can cause blurry vision. When this happens, cataract surgery is performed and the natural lens of the eye is removed and replaced with an artificial lens that restores visual clarity.

Our doctors at Yaryan Eye Care Center refer our patients to the top cataract surgeons in the state for the surgery to be performed. After surgery, patients will return to their Optometrist at Yaryan Eye Care Center for all post-operative care.


Glaucoma is a disease that damages the optic nerve of the eye. An estimated 3 million Americans have the disease, but only half of them are aware. Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness.

Glaucoma is a group of diseases that steal sight without any warning gradually over time. The vision loss is caused by damage to the optic nerve, which means early detection is vital. Early detection and treatment can help preserve vision and slow the damage caused by the disease.

Glaucoma can develop in one or both eyes. Peripheral vision is typically affected first and tunnel vision may occur as the disease progresses. There are two main types of Glaucoma. Open Angle Glaucoma causes peripheral eyesight to slowly diminish and Angle Closure Glaucoma causes pressure on the iris that interferes with fluid drainage.

Those in high risk groups include people over the age of 60, family members of those diagnosed, those with Diabetes and those who are severely nearsighted. While there is no cure for Glaucoma, medication or surgery can slow or prevent further vision loss. It is very important to schedule and show for regular eye exams in order to prevent unnecessary vision loss.

Our entire staff is dedicated to your eye health. We have the experience and equipment necessary to diagnose and treat nearly all eye disease and are here to help you every step of the way. If you ever have any questions, we are always happy to answer them. We never want you to feel confused or overwhelmed.

If you have any questions about eye disease treatment, contact us today at (765) 377-1241.


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